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06.07.2021 Von Tomoya Averett (She/They), Praktikant

Erinnern, Feiern, den Kampf mit Stolz fortsetzen

Backsteingebäude mit einer großen Regenbogen-Pride-Flagge, die an der Vorderseite herunterhängt.

Editor’s Note: During Pride, we asked Current Global team members to reflect on ways they support the community and participate in events during the month. We gathered a few of the responses to share.

Seit der Einführung des Pride-Monats nach dem Stonewall-Aufstand im Juni 1969 ist er zu einer Gelegenheit geworden, LGBTQ+ Geschichte, Fortschritt und Aktivismus zu feiern.

Der Fokus von Pride ist es, die Stimmen von LGBTQ+ Menschen zu erheben und die Kultur und weltweiten Errungenschaften in Richtung Gleichberechtigung zu feiern. In den mehr als 50 Jahren seit Stonewall hat sich der Pride-Monat in einen Moment verwandelt, der politischen Aktivismus mit Liebe und Feiern für das Sein, das Sie sind, verbindet.

Künstler Gilbert Baker erstellt die traditionelle Regenbogenflagge, die während des Pride-Monats gezeigt wird (und das ganze Jahr über zu sehen ist). Jede Farbe der Flagge hat ihre eigene einzigartige Bedeutung. Rot steht für Leben und Wohlstand, Orange ist das Symbol für Geist, Gelb steht für Sonnenschein, Grün für Natur, Blau für Harmonie und Lila für Revitalisierung. In den letzten Jahren wurden verschiedene Brauntöne hinzugefügt, um die Solidarität mit Black Lives Matter-Protesten darzustellen, sowie helles Rosa und Blau, um diejenigen darzustellen, die sich als Transgender identifizieren.

It is an important time for us all to reflect on the people, moments, and celebrations that remind us why Pride is so important. Reflecting on this year’s just finished Pride month, we wanted to share what moments made Pride special for us here at Current Global. Here’s what people in our team had to say:

When asked, what does LGBTQIA+ Pride mean to you, our colleagues see it as both an opportunity for members of the community to be seen as well as a moment to recognize the work that still needs to be done. “It means LOVE for ALL. It’s a happy, joyous occasion to get together with friends or family and join others to celebrate, accept and love each other for exactly who we are.”

When asked about their fondest memories of Pride month or an associated LGBTQIA+ event, our colleagues told us it is the amount of love you feel for the people around you as well as knowing your family members feel safe enough to live their truth. “Taking my kids to Gay Pride Parade. Watching them go to support their friends once they got to high school.”

Favorite brands that are seen by our team to be supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community in an open and meaningful way include Neiman Marcus, Peloton, The Phluid Project, Bonobos, Bombas, and Sephora.

How do people here support the LGBTQIA+ community as a member or ally? Current Global colleagues responded that they hope their everyday actions, language, and conversations convey that they are dedicated to becoming better allies. “As an ally with many friends in the LGBTQIA+ community, I continuously work on myself to be a strong supporter – from bettering my knowledge of important terms, educating myself on other aspects of the community, to smaller gestures such as showing my support of pronouns by including my pronouns in my work signature and Instagram bio; and also donating to organizations doing the work on the ground”.

These are some of the ways our team at Current Global has been reflecting on Pride this year. Even though Pride month has ended, it is important to remember that amplifying the voices of members of the LGBTQ+ community should go beyond the month of June. Here are some ways to make sure this happens:

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